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Gana Gig shrieks in frustration and horror as she falls...
A powerful kick, and... splat!
A finely detailed mini of Faury Maya from Shadow Skill.

Gana Gig shrieks in frustration and horror as she falls...
Sequence: Episode 11

Layers: 1
Sketch: 1 Matching
Background: None

Shadow Skill (3)
Gana Gig, self-described as "the strongest Huirame and bearer of the name Wedge" is, to put it mildly, a formidable foe. She has at her disposal a demon-controlling stone that allows her attacks to take on added dimension. But here, she's in what might in other shows be called a "pinch" -- two old soldiers have just barrelled into her and have pushed her backwards off a very, very tall cliff!

Made it here

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